Jesus is the Bread of Life
Feast Upon The Lord!
After Jesus feeds 5000 people with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread, many people are still only seeking Him so that they may see more miracles take place. He responds that the Israelites should be seeking Him because He is truly sent from God to save them. As they listen, he declares “I am the bread of life” and that no one will have everlasting life outside of having faith in Him.
Jesus wants us to know that we should hunger for Him because he fills our spirits, not just our stomachs.
Main Points
Feast on the bread that will not perish
Feast on the bread that was sent from heaven
Feast on the bread gives you life
How do we feast up the Lord?
Believe in who he is, not just what He can give
Enjoy the things of the Lord in His presence
Give away your desires for full dependence
Get what you need from Him daily