Gather With Us
Sunday Worship Gatherings
Our weekly worship gathering is on Sundays at 10:45 am at
401 S. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. A typical service will last about 90 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music led by our worship team. We worship by singing, listening and reflecting onGod's word and going to the Lord's Table.
What to Expect:
Each week we worship God by singing both contemporary and historic songs to the Lord, together in concert. We believe it’s important to lift our voices to the Lord together regularly in song as it uplifts the body of Christ. (Eph. 5:19-20)
The preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is fundamental to our body. We run to the Scriptures weekly to hear from God and be reminded of the truth. Our dedication to the Word of God keeps us cleaving to the preached Word of God when we gather to worship.
We meet at the Table of the Lord’s Supper each and every week that we gather, just as the early Church did. We believe in God’s promise that Christ is with us as we take the Supper (Luke 22:19–20)
Mission Midtown
Fourth Sundays
Every 4th Sunday we will be praying for and serving the neighborhood in ways that we pray will help us see the gospel spread through Midtown. We will have a shorter time of worship followed by an outreach project on our street.
Identity Church is a non-denominational Christian church that upholds the orthodox beliefs of Jesus Christ and the historic church. Please take a look at our beliefs page to get more of an understanding of what we believe as a church.
You are more than welcome to wear what is comfortable to you and considerate to others. Our family is diverse and our way of dress reflects that. As long as you dress in a way that honors God and who He’s made you to be then you’ll feel comfortable with us.
Our kid’s worship area is located downstairs so feel free to drop your kiddos who are under 12 years old there before entering the worship area. Check-in is digital and will be guided by one of our kid’s team leaders. Worshipping with your kids is also a wonderful and available option.
Parking is available on the lawn of the church building and across the street at the Campbell Pool. If those lots are full, please park along Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.